Instant user feedback

Give a compliment
Do you like specific features or recent changes? Let us know!
Report a bug
Something not working correctly? We hate that too! Let us know whats’s going on and we’ll go and fix it for you.
Request a new feature
Do you have a great idea? We would love to hear about it.

The quick and easy way to get honest user feedback for new features

Want to develop and optimize Salesforce implementations quickly and effectively? You need user feedback for that. You need it fast and in an actionable format. This is what the Instant User Feedback add-on gives you.

Instant User feedback for Salesforce:

The Problem:

For fast and agile development, you need real-time user feedback. But regular ticketing systems are slow and clunky.

Users have to log in to a separate app, take and upload screenshots and write a text about what they were doing when an error occurred. Most of the time, users just don’t bother with this. And you don’t get the feedback you need to improve your Salesforce implementation and provide maximum user value.

Or they send e-mails and text messages that you must interpret, copy, and paste into your ticketing system.

You need something better.

If you regularly launch new Salesforce features, you need Instant User Feedback

Our Instant User Feedback add-on was engineered for IT departments and project teams that regularly roll out new Salesforce functionality.
  • You can assign the plugin to all users or select key users to provide feedback on all new functionalities quickly
  • The app is always available, but never in the way of what a user wants to do
  • A simple, swift UI lowers barriers, make it easy to submit and gets you more information faster
  • URL and last record viewed are automatically attached to the report
  • In addition to bug reports, the user can submit feature requests and compliments 🎉
The user clicks the plugin, fills in a few simple fields, gets a friendly ‘thank you’ and goes back to work. The form is entirely non-blocking, even while editing a record.

Especially for you: the Admin app

The admin UI is equally swift and seamless. Instant User Feedback works entirely within Salesforce without needing external file storage or ticketing systems.
  • Go through a simple standard workflow for every report: assign, solve and archive
  • See all attached media in an image carrousel. No scrolling, no tab switching
  • Do you need a more advanced process? Use Instant User Feedback to triage issues. Minor bugs that are easily fixed stay in Salesforce, feature requests and more severe bugs go on the backlog or a ticket. This keeps your systems clean and makes it easy to filter out duplicate reports.
  • Hook up your Product Owner with an account and let them add feature requests to the backlog.

Our Apps

Instant User Feedback will supercharge your Salesforce development

  • No barriers and great UX get you more feedback
  • Quality of feedback will improve because context is automatically added
  • User issues are easier to reproduce
  • Less context switching (and no more poring over screenshots) make your work as admin or developer faster

Get Instant User Feedback now

Finally. A way to take the frustration out of user feedback. For you and your users.


Martijn Schwärzer


Het Carre 19 6718DH Ede
The Netherlands

KvK Nr: 84226803

VAT Nr: NL863139474B01
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